Slew of lettings at Merryfield Business Centre

Vacancy at Merryfield Business Centre in Macmerry has dropped from 46% in February to just under 20% following a slew of lettings.
The latest business to move into the East Lothian facility is Excent RIT Services who follow ONE Plumbing and Heating, AGL Tax Solutions, GM.PM Ltd and Winwood Music in snapping up space.
Now there are just five offices remaining in the 5,700 sq ft building ranging from 106 sq ft to a total of 1,114 sq ft.
“Post-pandemic we have seen increased demand for smaller offices especially in locations periphery to towns and cities across the Lothians and Fife,” said Allied Surveyors Scotland’s director of commercial agency (east), Iain Mercer.
“Merryfield provides quality space and has the benefit of being right next to the A1 trunk road and less than 15 miles from Edinburgh, so it’s an attractive proposition for tenants.”
Meanwhile, in the adjacent Macmerry Industrial Estate, Allied Surveyors has also let a 5,000 sq ft industrial unit to Archerfield Estates on a 5-year lease at £25,000 per annum.
“Demand for industrial space across the county shows no sign of abating,” he added.