Life as a Graduate Surveyor

This month, we caught up with Andrew McCall- one of our Graduate Surveyors- to hear what life is like for him at Allied and how Covid19 has affected his role.

Andy is no stranger to us and has been working here since his 3rd year University placement.

Q: So, Andrew, when did you realise you wanted to work in the property sector and was there anything that inspired you?

A: It’s a funny story actually as I had applied to study Geography at University, however when I was in my final year at school, I managed to get a work experience placement with a local surveyor and realised that I wanted to go into property. I then made a last-minute decision to apply to study Real Estate at Glasgow Caledonian University and I am so glad that I did!


Q: What is a typical working day like for you at Allied?

A: On a day-to-day basis I am fortunate to work across a wide variety of projects which is great. Usually, I will be out and about with the surveyors doing surveys and then back at the office helping out with research and other tasks that need to be done.


Q: What’s your favourite thing about working for Allied?

A: I think my favourite thing is just the amount of experience and exposure you get and the responsibility they give you. I work with a great bunch of guys who are all so helpful and willing to assist you on any areas that you get stuck on.


Q: What’s one thing that has surprised you about working in property that you might not have expected?

A: The long hours that the surveyors work! They are always out and about and kept busy, so no day is the same. I was also surprised at the amount of knowledge the guys have about all areas of property, it’s really commendable.


Q: What has it been like being a Graduate Surveyor in the middle of a Global Pandemic?

A: It’s definitely been tricky! I finished University last May and started my full-time job with Allied in July, so I started bang in the middle of the pandemic. At first, it was irritating not being able to get out and about but Allied have adapted well to the guidelines and things are slowly starting to get back to normal.


Q: What are some of your career goals for the future?

A: Well right now I am working towards my APC to become a fully qualified Chartered Surveyor which I will sit in November. You need 2 full years of experience, so I was lucky that my 3rd year University placement with Allied was able to contribute to this alongside additional structured learning.


Thanks Andrew, it was good to catch up with you and best of luck with your APC!




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